Blue poop - $0.03

Classic poop - $0.03

Golden poop (Profile Background) - $0.03

Green poop - $0.03

Home Sweet Home - $0.09

Purple poop - $0.03

Army Factory - $0.41

Demonic - $0.07

Jungle - $0.05

Lugh and Nayu - $0.11

Mr. Caretaker - $0.35

Pets of Melvor - $0.05

Wings of Aeris - $0.09

Wings of Ragnar - $0.05

Builder - $0.05

Charger (Profile Background) - $0.07

Dream - $0.06

Dreams come true - $0.28

Explorer - $0.05

Farmer - $0.05

Gatherer - $0.05

God Awe-Full Clicker - Hades of the Underworld - $0.88

God Awe-Full Clicker - Zeus on Olympus - $0.27

Lonely Forager - $0.05

Merchant - $0.05

Scientist (Profile Background) - $0.07

Snow Mountain - $0.06

Soldier - $0.05

Turret - $0.05

Unhinged - $0.05

Weapon Cube - $3.62

Adventurer - $0.05

Extermination BG - $0.05

GODS (Profile Background) - $0.00

Moon Swag - $0.06